There's a color in your eyes
A glimpse I've never seen before
A violent surprise
Your voice without that same allure
Where did you go
I can't deal
With the thought of it all
A chill fills the room
As you say that you've lost your love
A film around me plays
As I revel in memories burned in my mind
The hope that we both gave
Now just drifting about like fragments in time
It's slipping farther away
I can't feel you
As we're tearing apart
No mercy in the fray
Just a void
In the space of your heart
Cut away from the comfort in your arms
But there's no one that I'd rather be
Then the man right beside you
The one you confide to
There's no place that I'd rather be
Then wherever you're meant to be
No, I won't be your enemy
No, I won't let it crumble away
I won't let this volition cause our attrition
I can't let go of your name
Nothing here on this earth could
Drag me away from you
Drag me away from you