Fifty years imprisoned by the cunning and the lowest of the earth
Set out to trap my sister, I became the one, the victim
Mistake that set the plan in motion, oh my brother Destiny
I will not stray, no cannot stay away from the path before me
Standing on the edge of what will be and what has always been
I ride the wake, the wind, retrieve what's mine, my only mission
No matter what waits for me behind these walls, no evil will delay
I will be whole again, now I've arrived at these unholy gates
Slowly the doors open to reveal the sounds of awful things
Gnashing teeth, the sweat dripping from the trolls the dregs the wings
I enter under parlay not to harm a soul, a beast, a witch, can I
Do as I'm told in his domain, make my request and then will fly
Awake, Awake, to the world it's not abandoned you
Awake, Awake, this is not my charge, it is not my time
Awake, Awake, you were always destined to be burned
And I was always destined, destined to return