Thirty-two and eighty-four
The gator eats the one that's worth more
He looks at the place values from left to right
It's the greatest tens place so he takes a big bite
The hungry alligator eats the number that's greater
The number that's least is never part of his feast
Fifty-five and thirty-two
The gator needs to eat the one with the greater value
He looks at the place values from left to right
It's the greatest tens place so he takes a big bite
The hungry alligator eats the number that's greater
The number that's least is never part of his feast
Forty-five and forty nine
The gator needs the greater value on the number line
He looks at the place values from left to right
Nine's the greatest ones place so he takes a big bite
The hungry alligator eats the number that's greater
The number that's least is never part of his feast
Now the numbers are the same on both sides
The gator wants to eat but he can't decide
Neither is greater or less
It's a perfect tie
So the alligator writes an equals sign
The hungry alligator eats the number that's greater
The number that's least is never part of his feast
The hungry alligator eats the number that's greater
The number that's least is never part of his feast
If there's a line underneath the greater than sign
Greater than or equal to is how the sign is defined
I'll write a line underneath the less than sign
And less than or equal to is the name of the design
Hi there. I'm an alligator
So let's keep this snappy
I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you that the greater than symbol goes from big to small
And it's called the greater than symbol
The less than symbol goes from small to big
And it's called the less than symbol
The larger number always goes on the open side of the angle
For example, this reads as
Fifty is greater than ten
And this is read as
Ten is less than fifty