She awoke on a Wednesday
Searching for the soul of a thousand men
And her hollow and empty skull
Will force itself into the afterbirth of man
And blood will be shed
For she
Is the strongest being on the planet
Nay, the universe
The witch
Which witch is which
The witch is the witch
And she doesn't twitch
Because she is the strongest witch
You think maybe we should retire to the bedroom?
I don't know if that feels right
We just met and all
We were sworn enemies before all of this happened
But that's the, eroticism of the situation you see
If you and I fornicate we will be able to birth
The Ultimate Being (Sub drop)
The ultimate being you say
In what capacity?
Well you see, the ultimate being will be one birth worth of good and evil
I need you to inject your space sperm into my space uterus
As you wish princess
As you wish
And that was when
The world collided
And a new world was born
One with no hate
Or... or... any bad things happening... on it
Until something sinister began to pull
Rest in piece space wizard