When you got a Q and you need an A
Who you gonna ask? The Rabbi
If you got a game but it's Saturday
Who you gonna ask? The Rabbi
I'm gonna ask the Rav
I'm gonna ask my shaila
I ain't scared to ask the Rav
When your health look poor but it don't feel good
Who you gonna ask? The Rabbi
Can I make it big? Live in Hollywood
Who you gonna ask? The Rabbi
I ain't afraid to ask
Oh no not me I ain't gonna be an Am Haaretz
The Rabbi won't bite me after all
Worst that happens? He could tell me
He doesn't know
Ask the Rabbi ask the Rabbi
Don't be scared don't be scared
Ask the Rabbi ask the Rabbi
Don't be scared don't be scared
If the sun so big why the moon so small
Who you gonna ask? The Rabbi
Do I must repent if I don't sin at all
Who can I ask? The Rabbi
These questions really bother me
I need someone to ask
I think I'll ask the Rav
Yeah I'm gonna do that
You're shteiging hard but you don't chap p'sht
Who you gonna freg? The Rabbi
The cheesecake falls in the cholent pot
Who can I ask? The Rabbi
Ask the Rabbi ask the Rabbi
Come on Rabbi tell me
Teach me the Torah
Like you got it from Moshe the Mesorah
Ask the Rabbi ask the Rabbi
Can I eat a fish if it lost its fins
Who can I ask? The Rabbi
Can I gamble cash if I always win
Who am I gonna ask that to? The Rabbi
Now that's a good shaila
I need to know
I want to live my life according to the Torah
Come on Rabbi teach me
Ask the Rabbi ask the Rabbi
Don't be scared don't be scared
Do I gotta sway
Shuckle when I pray
Who can I ask? The Rabbi
Am I just a pin in a stack of hay
Who can I ask? The Rabbi
I'm gonna ask the Rav all my questions
Making a list
Don't be scared don't be scared
I ain't afraid of the Rabbi
Demons and devils
Ghosts and golems
Secrets of creation and reincarnation
Kabbalah Torah the deepest mysteries
Yeah I'm gonna ask the Rav all that
I'm gonna ask the Rav
I'm gonna ask my shaila
Oh yeah
Don't you wanna know know know
Ask the Rabbi ask the Rabbi
Don't be scared don't be scared
Who can I call? The Rabbi
Whom I gonna ask? The Rabbi
Who can I call? The Rabbi
Ask the Rabbi ask the Rabbi
Who can pasken? The Rabbi
Who can illuminate
Who can extrapolate? The Rabbi
Who can I call
Ask the Rabbi
Who you gonna ask? The Rabbi
The Rabbi