6. Dance
7. The noble woods are burgeoning
with flowers and leaves.
Where is the lover
I knew? Ah!
He has ridden off!
Oh! Who will love me? Ah!
The woods are burgeoning all over,
I am pining for my lover.
The woods are turning green all over,
why is my lover away so long? Ah!
He has ridden off,
Oh woe, who will love me? Ah!
8. Shopkeeper, give me colour
Shopkeeper, give me colour
to make my cheeks red,
so that I can make the young men
love me, against their will.
Look at me,
young men!
Let me please you!
Good men, love
women worthy of love!
Love ennobles your spirit
and gives you honour.
Look at me,
young men!
Let me please you!
Hail, world,
so rich in joys!
I will be obedient to you
because of the pleasures you afford.
Look at me,
young men!
Let me please you!
9. Round dance
Those who go round and round
Those who go round and round
are all maidens,
they want to do without a man
all summer long. Ah! Sla!
Come, come, my love!
Come, come, my love,
I long for you,
I long for you,
come, come, my love.
Sweet rose-red lips,
come and make me better,
come and make me better,
sweet rose-red lips.
Those who go round and round
are all maidens,
they want to do without a man
all summer long. Ah! Sla