Tear drops fall, big feel small
Rain clouds summer days
Mothers leave, fathers grieve
Mice win one more maze
Yet we keep on walking
Time keeps tocking
Lights go down on the stage
Our book's near it's ending
Yet we keep descending
Down words that color the page
'Cause we're mad
We're all mad
Fish are caught, ripe fruits rot
Hairs are quick to gray
Questions die, wonder'n why
Night stars fade away
Yet we keep in motion
Fight emotion- up
Ladders with endless rungs
We fear all we feel
But we feel to heal
As air spills out of our lungs
'Cause we're mad
We're all mad
Planets never wonder
Water doesn't squeal
Grass won't roll you under
Yet we roll in it to feel
When there's no light in sight
We will still stay to fight
The lions that lie in the dark
Hoping, something will ignite our spark
'Cause we're mad
We're all mad
The world is