I like 'em like that.
I like a hard body.
I bet that after this class,
She teaches dirty karate.
GUY 2:
I like 'em like that.
I like a hard body.
The curve of her ass,
I guess it's not too shoddy.
I like 'em like that.
I like a hard body.
She keeps a tiny rig,
But you know she's naughty.
Hey boy, stop talking like you got me.
Ya gotta impress me and I like a hard body.
Hey boy, you think that you can have me?
Stop staring at me, work your hard body.
We like 'em like that.
We like hard bodies. *don't do it.
When she gets wet, she won't be so haughty.
We like 'em like that / We like 'em like that.
We like hard bodies / We like hard bodies
We want to taste their... / We want to taste their...
COURTNEY: What's the rest of your day like?
PATRICK: Ah...the gym. Then meetings. A show with Evelyn, if we can get tickets.
COURTNEY: Phantom?
PATRICK: No. Les Miz.
COURTNEY: Right. It's long, but good.
PATRICK: Oh, you've seen it?
COURTNEY: Luis took me last week. Listen, Patrick.
As much as I relish these afternoon trysts, we need to stop.
PATRICK: And why would we do that?
COURTNEY: Well, because, I was talking to my therapist...
PATRICK: Oh, God, uh-huh....yeah.....and what did he tell you to do?
COURTNEY: Ok, first of all, my therapist is a woman...
PATRICK: Oh, Goddammit, great...
COURTNEY: ....and I was talking to her about you.
And she thinks you might be bringing too much negativity into my life.
PATRICK: Uh huh, I see. So, because your therapist tells you to break up with....
COURTNEY:'s not just that. So...don't you feel guilty?
PATRICK: Why would I feel guilty?
COURTNEY: Because I'm your girlfriend's best friend.
PATRICK: Oh, by that reasoning, you should feel guilty too!
COURTNEY: I do. Not to mention, Luis is starting to suspect.
PATRICK: Oh God. Luis
COURTNEY: Don't you call him a faggot.
PATRICK: A DORK, I was going to say. A twit. Hey listen, I'm doing a survey of the women I f*ck.
Is it my muscles that excite you or the heft of my cock?
COURTNEY: Are you listening to me? We're stopping.
We're betraying Evelyn. We're betraying Luis.
PATRICK: Let me ask you Courtney. Hypothetically....if something were to happen to Luis,
An accident say, or a violent crime and he were out of the picture. Would you be upset?
COURTNEY: I can't answer that. It's too morbid. I'd be devastated.
PATRICK: Fine. Awesome.
COURTNEY: I hope things won't be weird between us now.
I hope we can go back to being friends.
PATRICK: Courtney, and please, don't take this the wrong way.
You're a babe. But no sex is worth this bullshit.
COURTNEY: F*ck you, Asshole.
I always knew that.
He wants to want me.
He can't decide and so he taunts me.
He was lost for words.
When I caught his eye.
Now he knows, he's my kind of guy.
Oh boy, I felt his rock hard abs.
I didn't even have to ask and it's happening at last.