"It took me nineteen years, but I finally developed a good relationship with my body."
"Today, computers are management tools, giving you a competitive edge..."
"24-hour, person-to-person service with every checking account. Where's the nearest ATM?"
"I don't clean anymore, because none of these ordinary cleaners give me what I want."
Whenever I shower, sometimes twice, sometimes three times a day,
I use a honey-almond wash on my ripped body, and an exfoliating spearmint gel on my face.
I apply Clinique moisturiser and an anti-aging eye-balm before I shave,
With a razor and cream by Pour Hommes. No cologne on the face ever,
As the high alcohol content dries out your skin, and makes you look... older.
"Milk's about the best thing I can drink at the moment to help me build strong arms,
Powerful legs and a broad chest.
And when all my work is done, will you love me just for my body?
I can live with that. Milk: it does a body good."
My suit today is an eighties drape from Alan Flusser with a bladed back
To accommodate my impressive physique.
My tie is by Valentino Couture; shoes by A.Testoni; underwear by Ralph Lauren.
"And if all else failed, you could get a sense of patriotism from the popular culture.
The movies celebrated democratic values
And implicitly reinforced the idea that America was special.
TV was like that too; but now we're about to enter the nineties, and some things have changed..."
The painting: a David Onica. The TV set: 30-inches, digital, Toshiba.
High-contrast, highly defined, plus it has picture-in-picture capabilities, PLUS freeze-frame.
My walkman, with autoreverse continuous play, is by Sony.
I am 26 years old, living in New York City at the end of the century,
And this is what being Patrick Bateman means to me...