Listen to me...
You've got one wish left,
One wish left...
So... Think carefully...
Do you want wealth? Power?
Love? Immortality?
These are the usual suspects,
The go-to wishes...
But are they really what you want?
Or do you want something more?
Something different?..
Something that will truly change your life.
Maybe you wish for a solution to a problem you haven't even realized yet,
A problem that's lurking in the shadows,
Waiting to strike...
Or perhaps you wish for a skill,
A talent, a superpower,
Something that will set you apart from the rest.
Think about it...
What do you truly desire?
Not what you think you want,
But what you really, really, need...
Maybe even,
Don't wish it,
Leave it...
Sleep on it, for the rest of your life
And at the end, wish for that life again...