A chamber
With outlet facing Nekhbet to the south
An inquiry for truth
Rouse for me the spirits of the drowned
A necropolis
Receiving whispers of Amenti from the West
At the mouth of my vessel
Gather akhu to consult the dead
Prepare and cleanse with sand from the Great River
Three bricks, seven loaves, lapis kheper for Ausar-Unnefer
Pour the oil while crouched in genuflection
Eyes rubbed with ointment I utter the following invocation:
I gaze upon thy beautiful face, O great one!
Send the celestial messenger I seek!
Bathing in your ecstatic heka, O great god!
Hear and heed this earnest praise to you, high Inpu!
The moon has yet to fill the Udjat
Speak from this vessel of bronze
Rebirth from the intramural spring water
As I invoke you seven times
My keep until mid-lunar-month
At the mercy and fury of the gods
The breezes of the west come into being
As I extract truth from the Duat!
I gaze upon thy beautiful face, O great one!
Send the celestial messenger I seek!
Bathing in your ecstatic heka, O great god!
Hear and heed this earnest praise to you, high Inpu!