Your eyes open wide and you blink away
Sirens and screams feels like you shouldn't stay
Round and around, the earth, we decay
With no way home
You got kicked you're a stray
Get called around by surrounding forces
Whatever they may be
You try and run away
You knock the walls down out of fear
Afraid of what others may say
You're tooooo f*cked up to find your way
24/7 existing x2
Out the door come your own decisions
That you took, at times
You though it was, okay
Failure was never an optional choice
It seems you thought of it the only way
And now you sit and look around
And there is nothing
And now you sit and look around
But sometimes there's something
Seperating faith is a matter of division
However I cannot stand mathematical complications
Better to substract from the population
The remainder of the lesser known result of a fraction
Regarding the things that were said earlier on
They never really happened no ink left, nor wisdom
Volume 2 of the history book just, typo corrections
Free of charge if I can harvest your past present and your son
I have just noticed that I changed pronouns
Not in the way you think however
M y mind is racing on
Some lyrics come out okay
Some others are just wrong
Don't lower my social rating
Ignore me and move on