I have seen unspeakable tragedy strike an undeserving soul
I have seen the jubilation of men who did not earn it
I have heard the stories of perseverance and fortitude
And am awed by the source of undaunted courage
I have felt the thundering footsteps of a million marching ants as they mindlessly plow into a field of confusion
I have witnessed divine grace melt the barbwire surrounding a heart of stone
I have been struck dumb by the peace which passeth all understanding
I have felt the joy of a simple act - which forever changed the life of another
I have basked in the glory of praise and adulation - only to find an empty bag
I have rung the bell of a false Holy Grail
And have shaken the hangover of sleepwalking
I have soared with the eagles above an alpine lake
I have ridden the winds across the test of time
Lord, what my eyes have seen.