I was born into black leather shoes
I knew I'd never fill
I could have made my own pair
If I only had the will
No I don't think I'll ever be
The best I could have been
Still, I could be worse off
I'm just somewhere in between
Lord, I love those city lights
But there's no place to hide
So I think I might belong
In a quiet countryside
But you know I'd get bored without those gorgeous disco queens
Is there some way for me to stay
Somewhere in between
Somewhere in between
The great blue ocean and the sky
Somewhere in between
Where I was born, and where I'll die
I've watched good people vanish
Through a tattered window screen
When I was young, I wanted to save them
Now they're somewhere in between
I've heard her say she loves me
And I've heard her say goodbye
I've caught my mother cursing
And I've made my father cry
I've been good when I should've been
A no good rowdy teen
And now I should be better
But I'm somewhere in between
I've honoured vows of silence
And I've broken sacred pacts
I've committed crimes of passion
And I've been caught in the act
Don't ask me what I've heard about
Don't ask me what I've seen
Don't ask me if I'll rescue you
From somewhere in between
Somewhere in between
The great blue ocean and the sky
Somewhere in between
Where I was born and where I'll die
I've faced up to my judgement
And I've quickly fled the scene
Lord, it feels like purgatory
Being somewhere in between
I've seen evil change it's ways
And I've watched heroes fall
Thought I stood for something
When there was nothing at all
Lord, I've been made a fool of
And I have been crowned king
But mostly I just spend my days
As someone in between