The Passion: New Orleans (also known as simply The Passion) is an American music television special that was broadcast by Fox on March 20, 2016. Based on the Dutch franchise of the same name (which in turn, was adapted from a BBC special) and produced by Dick Clark Productions and Eye2Eye Media, it was a contemporary retelling of the Passion of Jesus Christ set to popular music, through a mixture of live and pre-recorded segments filmed from locations around New Orleans.
It starred Jencarlos Canela, Prince Royce, Trisha Yearwood, Chris Daughtry, and Seal. Tyler Perry hosted and narrated the special, while Nischelle Turner served as a correspondent for the procession of a cross to Woldenberg Park.
The Passion received mixed reviews; critics felt that the special was akin to Super Bowl halftime shows in terms of its entertainment-oriented presentation, and that its secular soundtrack sometimes had weak thematic relevance to the story of Jesus. Seal's performances as Pontius Pilate were regarded as a standout by several critics, while Tyler Perry's hosting received mixed reviewscharacterizing his narration as being restrained, and noting that the crucifixion of Jesus was presented solely through graphic dialogue.