Its Freddy time!
Noni Time!
Freddy or Noni?
What is that????
Kaikamahine no Wai'anae la, noni ho'i ka ulewa 'ana,
Ua ma'awale i ka do research on the Noni la, Freddy ho'i o Arita.
(Oh I rememba Arita from last night!)
For da Scotty wahine
Haolemahine no Kula nui la, bastard ho'i ka ulewa steal food,
Ua ma'awale i ka inu pia, puhipaka, filp ke coin, a me oppress the poor
Hawaiians la, bastard ho'i ka ulewa 'ana.
Do one for the freddy girl
Freddymahine no restaurnt row la, mahu ho'i ka ulewa 'ana,
If theres anything I can help you, I will be at Aritas room la, sassy ho'i
o Alika
Pauahi now!
Keali'i Bernice Pauahi Bishop la, sassy ho'i o Loke,
Aia i ke kill, Loke, Kani, spc, ame Kumu Nani la,
Imua Nonina a me Nonila!
(Take it away Bass)
(You go girl)
(Thats enough there sassafrass)
( Do tete, do chang chang)
Ha'ina i a mai 'ana kapuana la, sassy oh Alika,
Ua ma'awale i ka thats so stale la, Noni Pau