In autumn's light the day is bright
With apples hanging in the trees
I met you here my heart takes flight
Yet lost am I in thoughts like these
For apples need a Newton's mind
While we are just two souls adrift
So many fruits for us to find
Where wisdom blooms is not our gift
Perhaps the wind will guide our way
It'll sort out what must be done
Which fruits should fall and which should stay
And lead us both towards the sun
But who will gather all that's ripe?
And stitch together sky and earth?
In love's vast scheme of hope and hype
Who chooses paths? What gives it worth?
No one collects the fleeting blue;
The sun has shed its golden veil
To whom can we our love ensue?
There's little left within this tale
The embers crackle in their dance;
They seem to warm where warmth is gone
Until you leave me to my trance
I ponder summer now withdrawn
For love resembles summer rain
Unseen until it grips your soul;
We feel its pulse but not its pain
As seasons shift beyond control
Perhaps the wind will guide our way
It'll sort out what must be done
Which fruits should fall and which should stay
And lead us both towards the sun
But who will gather all that's ripe?
And stitch together sky and earth?
In love's vast scheme of hope and hype
Who chooses paths? What gives it worth?
Who chooses paths towards the sun?
No one collects the fleeting blue;
The sun has shed its golden veil
To whom can we our love ensue?
There's little left within this tale
The embers crackle in their dance;
They seem to warm where warmth is gone
Until you leave me to my trance-
I ponder summer now withdrawn