Day was breaking; hearts were aching
Women came to Jesus' tomb
But a blessed angel message
Said fear not I have good news
Come and see the place where the Savior lay
He is risen, and all is well
Rejoice and proclaim there's an empty grave
Come and see and believe; go and tell
Like the women in that garden
We believe He is alive
By His Spirit we declare it
For we have been raised with Christ
Come and see the place where the Savior lay
He is risen, and all is well
Rejoice and proclaim there's an empty grave
Come and see and believe; go and tell
Death is conquered; sin is defeated
The stone has been rolled away
Praise His name; the work is completed
On Resurrection Day
Come and see the place where the Savior lay
He is risen, and all is well
Rejoice and proclaim there's an empty grave
Come and see and believe; go and tell
Come and see the place where the Savior lay
He is risen, and all is well
Rejoice and proclaim there's an empty grave
Come and see and believe; go and tell
Rejoice and proclaim there's an empty grave
Come and see and believe
Go and tell
Go and tell