Free Failing
The tightness in the chest feels endless
A sensation of freefall
Sleepless nights knowing that the moment I close my eyes
My thoughts will race straight to the memories
Why didn't you keep your promise?
How could you let me go like that your last words: "It's over"
So cold so distant - When did you stop loving me?
Were you lying to me or to yourself?
Life moved forward for you in great strides
But I remain in freefall
Trapped in a world of infinite possibilities that will only be real in my mind
The words spoken were weak but what I heard remains
Why did you abandon me?
Why did you leave me like this?
"I love you" is a weapon in your mouth
The bullet struck my heart
I'm dying slowly bleeding out crawling and murmuring for help
And on the ground alone I still blame myself
Did I make you pull the trigger?
Or did I pull it myself?
Time passes yet nothing changes; life has lost its color
I've lost myself in this falling