Darken pool in the stillness of the night
Time openin' into morning light
As the bird startles and turns to flight
Disappears in a fade into white
Peace, I call your name
From a world gone insane
Soon we will all be lame
So peace, I call your name
Oh, oh yeah
Dawn comes to awaken me
From a dream that I struggle to set free
Seems I have lost the key
But somewhere in my head the Beatles are playing let it be
Love, come on from above
Settle on us like a gentle dove
This madness, I'm so tired of
So, love come on from above
Oh yeah, oh yeah, come on love
Come on, come on love, settle on us like a dove
Come on, come on, come on love, come on love, come on love
Oh, oh peace, oh peace, I call your name
I call, I call your name, oh peace, oh peace
Love, love, love, love, come on, come on, come on love
Come on, come on, come on from above, come on from above, come love
I call your name