One day I took my boat out, on a sea of hope
So the abyss of my mind
Would lead me far from home
Sky above and sea below
So free at once, and incomplete was I
All of me, so alone
So I jumped, swimming in the water
Swimming round and round my boat
Thought I was a fish
And I always returned
Drying off the water
Sitting in my lonely boat
Never quite a man
One day out, on the sea of love
The light of you so holy
Breaking through my eyes
Sky above and see below
So free at once and incomplete where you
All of you, so alone
This was the time
When we'd meet each other halfway
We were sharing all our secrets
And talking about our fears
We are the lost ones
And through each other found
And lost again and found again
Afraid to climb into each other's boat
One day we'd find each other, on solid ground
And build a boat together
While you and I face the storms of life
So hard to believe
Two hearts could beat as one
As I believe that you and I could sail together
But then I jumped, into my confusion
Swimming all around my brain
Like some therapist
I never returned
Going back to my old self
Clinging to security
Never quite cured
So we jumped, into our illusions
Swimming all around our brains
Like a therapist. And then we returned
Going back to our old selves
Clinging to security, never quite cured