Shopping for some panties
Found the perfect pair
Couldn't wait to put 'em on
Didn't even care
Wore 'em on the outside
So everyone could see
That this li'l pair of panties
Were the perfect ones for me
Shopping for some panties
Found the perfect pair
Couldn't wait to put 'em on
Didn't even care
Wore 'em on the outside
So everyone could see
That this li'l pair of panties
Were the perfect ones for me
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Shopping for some panties
Found the perfect pair
Couldn't wait to put 'em on
Didn't even care
Wore 'em on the outside
So everyone could see
That this li'l pair of panties
Were the perfect ones for me
Shopping for some panties
Found the perfect pair
Couldn't wait to put 'em on
Didn't even care
Wore 'em on the outside
So everyone could see
That this li'l pair of panties
Were the perfect ones for me
Panties on the inside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the upside
Panties on the downside
Panties on the left side
Panties on the right side
Panties on the Dark Side
Panties on the bright side
Panties on the young side
Panties on the old side
Panties on the hot side
Panties on the cold side
Panties on the front side
Panties on the back side
Panties on the calm side
Panties on the wild side
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the inside
Panties on the outside
Panties on the upside
Panties on the downside
Panties on the left side
Panties on the right side
Panties on the Dark Side
Panties on the bright side
Panties on the young side
Panties on the old side
Panties on the hot side
Panties on the cold side
Panties on the front side
Panties on the back side
Panties on the calm side
Panties on the wild side