Sleep beneath a mantle of dust
Brimming with memories that I no longer touch
Hours of a lifetime foreign, undistinguished
Severed by a force that nothing can escape
Withering in the sunbeams
Piercing through the windows
Fading, tarnished by the now
Colored in the hues of black and white
I still await a means to reclaim
The joys that spurned conviction
At arms length away, a world I know that used to be
And should I gain hold again, what now will I see
A spectre of what I once was, that can not be redeemed
When I dream, ghosts of past paint a canvas
Deep into night at most vulnerable
Greeting me gently, a ruse so inviting
Till I awake to pounding throes (Of all I used to know)
Sinking in my silence, stricken with cold
Pondering the terror that I may never, feel the bliss of old
A brutal truth I can not swallow
So I choke
Searching the separation
Dying in this desolation
Please, don't leave me be
Your love, I beg, I plead