The shift in my focus is subtle
But all to familiar to miss
Every limb is coerced to shake
And I gasp for air but my lungs wont take
Creeping panic
Washing out the color in my face
And every failsafe collapses
Run & hide away
Buried in my shame
Even mundanity is taxing
Run away
A night so joyous, brimming with love & memory
I'm struck and pulled aside, awaiting certain doom
The sound of laughter echoes from the hall
The color of elation cannot stay my gloom
No longer sitting still
Pacing through the building
I feel the walls begin to cave, I need an escape
Selfishly, I try to hide my suffering
But my facade quickly loses shape
Crumble beneath the summer heat of the city
Strangers look on as I deteriorate
A pathetic shape, melting into shadows (Of the buildings)
As the poison sears my veins
Mere minutes have passes
Though it feels like an eternity
As those I love the most voice their concern for me
Swallowed by the sidewalk, consumed by shame
Run away, so they don't have to see my hurt
Run away