Wood walking around me
In the guise of human
All the time
Keepin' an eye
Let me feel
Touch me
Today I want to feel again
They said these were the rules
Wrong wrong wrong!
A trap that sucked me feeling
Wood walking all over me
In the guise of a human being
I don't care now
I'm past caring
Like a dehydrated shrunk camel
In the scorched desert
I have run out of feeling
They will turn me into wood like them
Touch me the touch of a friend
Make me feel
Touch me the touch of a traveler
In my new journey
Come with me
I'm invitin' you
I want to breathe in the feel
Feel it flow thru me
Like a virgin river
I had enuf of wood in my life
Keeping on me an eye
They will turn me like them
Wood dry, dumb and witless
Bereft of the juices of life
Touch me
I want to sparkle and shine
I want to live again
I want my feelings to explode
Within meeaaaeeeeeeeeaaa
I want to feel alive again
I want to be me
Touch me
Ignite my feelings
Touch me lover
Ignite me
Ignite me
Ignite me
I wanna be me!