It's not just another hobby
Or thing I do to pass time
I put my heart and soul into making sure these words captivate your mind
Open your many senses and feel multiple emotions all at once
I may not use fancy words that require a dictionary
Or metaphors that you wont understand
But these words that I write come from within
These words aren't little white lies
Fabricated and pieced together to form an appealing story
These pieces are words constructed together to tell my story
A story that comes from experience and sacrifice
I sacrificed my peace of mind to relive certain occasions
Criticizing past interactions
Reminiscing the old days when I wasn't so happy
When I was ashamed to be my authentic self
Or when I thought a love would last forever
And don't assume I'm speaking romantically either
Writing poetry isn't easy
And it can be very time consuming
Pouring my heart out to a notepad that's built within my iPhone
To eventually sharing my past and present with strangers
Poetry is scary
Poetry is vulnerability
But poetry is healing
Poetry is within me
I am poetic
Poetically EC