Underneath the skies so vast
Venusaur, your roots hold fast
Mighty leaves and blossoms high
Carrying the earth and sky
Strength of nature in your veins
Life and power, sun and rains
Venusaur, a giant's grace
Guardian of nature's place
Blossoms bloom with colors bold
Legends of your might are told
Venusaur, with vines that sway
Turning darkness into day
In your shadow, life will grow
Seeds of hope in you bestow
Venusaur, with power great
Carving paths, defining fate
Every roar shakes earth and air
Forests thrive beneath your care
Venusaur, a force profound
Spreading life to all around
Standing tall, a living tree
Symbol of eternity
Venusaur, the world can see
Nature's strength and legacy