I wake freezing in a blue abyss
Lungs searing, blackening my vision
Air beckons as I breach the surface
Something hits a blinding collision
Monster of the deep
Creature of the cold
Serpent slowly creeps
Scales made of gold
Blood will surely seep
Legend once was told
Hydra's kin would weep
This is revenge not destiny
Boy why do you confront me
With that measly sword
I am king of the oceans
Ruler of this fjord
As the beast speaks it flashes serrated teeth
Chunks of flesh trapped between each yellowed dagger
Come human play with the beast that lurks beneath
Odin give me strength to smite this foe
It starts to pull me under
My body it tries to sunder
Odin hear my prayer of rage and woe
Lightning fills the sky like fire
I'm filled with all I require
I burst from its grip
Slashing at the neck I ascend
Dodging its mouths I defend
I take the ax from my hip
And throw it towards a head
Foul creature I'm not yet dead
Cutting off heads like thread
The blue fjord now tainted red
I stab at its heart
Ripping its corpse apart