Locker Room Halls
And Uncovering Shawls
Say, Kick the kid
Wreck my Room
What to do with my feet
Shuffle down the street
See the goop that comes from me
See the goop that comes from me
Mystery down on 2nd street
Mister Howie, speaks of sheets
That move on their own
And spook along to a beat
That seems complete
Except for the mystery meat
It is really something
Something we shouldn't know
But Mister Howie
Says it's so
He has shown us pictures
And spoken surely
He knows his stuff
His first name is Shirley
Mystery Sheets
Like Shawls I seek
2nd Street
Holds Howie's Beat
Locker Room Halls
And Uncovering Shawls
Say, Kick the kid
Wreck my Room
What to do with my feet
Shuffle down the street