A lonely night caught in the darkness
I stalk my prey so violently
Eternal endeavor, limbs I sever
And paint with the blood of thee
You will be the one
I wish to torment
Hungry for your lungs
I'll watch you bleed
Sewing up your mouth
Can't hear you scream
Peeling back the skin
Chewing on your flesh
I love the taste
Playing with your bones
Never satisfied
Hunger starts to grow
I want another
Hiding in the streets
The supply of meat
Taking the saw to his neck
Pulling back his hair
Back and forth as the blood sprays out
New homemade water fountain
Stabbing hard, no shadow of doubt
Pleasure washes over as I open my mouth
Catching all the liquid from the spout
Soul coming out
Stalking him
Peeling skin
He is screaming
Flavor town
One way trip
I will rip
Your f*cking eyes
I want more
Bloody gore
Visceral war
Watch organs pour
On the street
We will meet
Little feet
I will eat