I wear the lion's mane, I grin and bare my teeth
A captivating mask with nothing underneath
I am the angel of light in this masquerade
With open arms they welcome my charade
I have a host of slaves among the righteous ones
My heart swelled with pride when they were called my sons
To the one who bows, I offer everything
I hold the power of death, come and feel its sting
I have come from roving back and forth across the land
I am the new god who devours sacrifice
I fill hearts with deceit and greed, 'til disciples are struck dead
I am the lawless one, worker of wonders and weaver of lies
I speak with silver tongue, drunk deep on blood and gold
I take their guilt away and return it sevenfold
I turned those rivers to blood and I rained down frogs from the sky
I wear the lion's mane and i'll stalk you 'til you die
But I, even I, shudder in fear when the Holy One draws near
I feel the burn of eternal flame at the mention of His name
I set the world against his plan, had my soldiers kill the man
And I tore my flesh on that day when He walked out of His grave