Welcome to the Anal Schwab Clinic
Where we will take very good care of your health
If you do as you're told
I need a new prescription
Can I have a new prescription please?
Welcome to the pharmacy, the pharmacy
Welcome to the pharmacy
Welcome to the pharmacy, the pharmacy
Welcome to the pharmacy, are you a sheep?
Welcome to the pharmacy, the pharmacy
Welcome to the pharmacy, you want a sweet
They don't mean you any harm you see
Welcome to the pharmacy, the pharmacy
Not when you're checking out behind the scenes
Colourful pills - we farm the sheep
In their factories they manufacture disease
Welcome to the pharmacy, the pharmacy
All they ever dream of is calm and peace
Colourful pills - we farm the sheep
They say it's for your health, you're a dying breed
Welcome to the pharmacy, the pharmacy
Edits your genetics - can't you read?
Take your meds, go back to bed
Lay down your head - you're already dead!
Thanks for being patient. Call me Doctor Quack
Let's take a look at that spot on your back"Oh God, is it serious? Do I need another mammogram?
Welcome to the pharmacy
What have we here? Looks like paralysis
Sit on the chair, I'll perform dialysis
Next you'll need chemo, chop off your feet
Trust the science - it's funded by the elite
Welcome to the pharmacy, the pharmacy
Welcome to the pharmacy, are you a sheep?
Welcome to the pharmacy