I am nothing more
I am nothing less
Than your sick doll
To play with
In your mind
You have been lusting
With those eyes
Like a hunter in the wild
Waiting for the perfect time
Within your grasp the scent of prey at last
The object of your desire
So thought attained but nothing ever remains
A taste only acquired
I am nothing more
I am nothing less
I am your sick doll toss aside when youre bored with
Sick me back up on the shelf
Now that you have found something else
With a brand new shiny face
Let nothing ever go to waste
Don't ever let it go
Within your grasp
It's as if I have no self control
That I am letting go to your desire
That I am nothing more
I am nothing less an object you once admired
But within your grasp
It's as if I have no self control
That I am letting go to your desire
That I am nothing more
I'm nothing less
Than an item thats expired