I am not your hero
I am just a slug
Capable of slime
Capable of love
I am in your garden
I am on your lawn
I observe you
As I slowly move on
I wish I could be with you
But you're not a slug
You don't want my slime
You don't want my love
You don't want to let me
Slide across your head
You don't want to hold me
You won't share your bed
You won't ever love me and there's nothing I can do
Sliding through my sadness slowly slithering to you
Every day is torture
All I do is wait
I watch you sleep with Chad
After every date
He doesn't really love you
I don't think he can
He is an embodiment
The vanity of man
I can give you kindness
Humility and love
He will not support you
When push comes to slug
I will be here for you
Hiding in your lawn
I will watch and love you
Every dusk and every dawn
You won't ever love me and there's nothing I can do
Sliding through my sadness slowly slithering to you
I wish I were not a slug so you would give me all your love
I wish I were not a slug so you would give me all your love
Sure, it isn't healthy
I don't care
Others come and go
I'll always be there
I'm so f*cking lonely
Without you by my side
Slugs do not have friends
Slugs do not have wives
Please, I need fulfillment
I'm begging for your love
I hate not having agency
I hate being a slug
I hate my f*cking life
And I hate Chad, too
I take all my self loathing
And I place the weight on you
You won't ever love me and there's nothing I can do
Sliding through my sadness slowly slithering to you