In a time of fire and molten stone
Where legends rise and fear is known
A threat descends from the blackened skies
They fight with Razor Teeth and Laser Eyes!
The asteroid roared a beast from space
Its molten core spelled the dinos' disgrace
The earth shook hard as the skies turned black
But T-Rex stepped up with his chain gun strapped
Razor Teeth! (We'll fight till we die!)
Laser Eyes! (We'll burn through the sky!)
From the lava's edge to the heavens high
We'll carve our mark before we die!
The Velociraptors surfed the lava's stream
Flamethrower tails igniting their dreams
Deep in the volcano the artifact shone
Its colors like crayons glowing unknown
T-Rex declared with a fearless roar
"This battle's ours-extinction's no more!"
Razor Teeth! (We'll fight till we die!)
Laser Eyes! (We'll burn through the sky!)
From the lava's edge to the heavens high
We'll carve our mark before we die!
With molten marshmallow and crayon flames
They faced the asteroid's unyielding reign
T-Rex stood tall in the final hour
His chain gun blazing unleashed its power!
The Velociraptors laughed as they struck
Surfing straight into the asteroid's guts
The gooey core exploded in might
Painting the skies in sweet delight!
From the skies rained down a molten s'more
Marshmallow chunks and caramel galore
The dinos feasted by the lava's glow
With crayons roasted their legends grow
T-Rex raised his claw with a fiery cheer
"The earth is ours-we conquered the stars!"
Razor Teeth! (We'll fight till we die!)
Laser Eyes! (We'll burn through the sky!)
From the lava's edge to the heavens high
We'll carve our mark before we die!
In the skies remains their mighty mark
A dino skull glowing in the spark
Their victory roars through time and flame
A tale of triumph forever engraved