My boyfriend's tall tall and I'm so short short
He needs to crouch crouch oh what a sport sport
I need a ladder ladder to reach his face face
Love's a funny thing in this crazy space
But we dance dance under the moon moon light
He holds me high high it feels so right right
In his arms arms I'm never small small
All my love love In these heels I'm so tall
Walking side by side he's got long strides
I take two steps just to keep in line line
He bends down low low to steal a kiss kiss
In his towering love as my lips t-touch his
But we dance dance under the moon moonlight
He holds me high high it feels so right right
In his arms arms I'm never small small
All my love love In these heels I'm so tall
He leans down down for a whispered word word
I stand on tippy toes j-just to be heard heard
We laugh laugh till it hurts our side sides
Height's overlooked, when you hold me in your arms tonight
But we dance dance under the moon moonlight
He holds me high high it feels so right right
In his arms arms I'm never small small
All my love love In these heels I'm so tall
We dance dance under the moon moonlight
He holds me in in his arms it feels so right right
Standing next to him I'm never small small
All my love love In these heels I'm so tall