I fell for a black-eyed woman east of this mountain draw
And when we reached the summit she swore she'd push me off
And everything she said to me was dark and full of dread
And filled my mind with monsters that dwell within my head
So I drove down to the valley in a Delta '88
It seemed the black-eyed woman had prophesied my fate
I tried quench my lust for her in every girl I met
I met about a hundred but I haven't quenched it yet
I fell for a black-eyed woman east of this mountain draw
And when we reached the summit, she swore she'd push me off
I declared my love into the obelisks that rose within her eyes
And then she tried to tip me off of the mountainside
So we lived up on that mountain in a cabin made of words
Her anger and her love for me would swarm like vengeful birds
No matter how often I attempted my release
The beauty of her black eyes wouldn't give me any peace