I just can't stop
Staring at my i phone
Got a text from you
Don't know what to do
Gosh it's so hard
Texting my emotions I start to sweat
My heart goes boom boom boom
Should I say hi or maybe write "how was your day?"
Be more sophisticated Emma said
Girl, use emoji Wink
And Make him wait for it
Just don't say something that you will regret
Ooo my gosh
I just text my crush
My world is upside down
You got to be mine
I'm in my room, waiting for his answer
Does he like me? I just wanna know
I wonder how good he's at kissing
I'd love he's lips on me all night long
Sólo manda un mensaje y no tengas miedo
No pierdas tiempo y escribe primero Enfréntalo
Relaja tu mente Deja la vergüenza y
Sólo dile lo que sientes No dejes perder esta oportunidad
A los chicos les encanta la sinceridad Déjalo curioso,
Déjalo ansioso Vamos, vamos, ya no hay marcha atrás
No le digas que te gusta, sólo coquetea un poco Haz que tengas
Toda su atención oh oh oh Nunca pierdas la cabeza
Porque sé por experiencia Que va a romper tu corazón