Quantum kitty, quantum kitty
Here and there and everywhere
Quantum kitty, quantum kitty
Now you see them, now you don't
Where's that cat
In superposition, living out their mission
Teaching me what soon could be
When quantum bits are free
Are you here? Maybe
Are you there? Could be
Everywhere? Probably
That's my quantum kitty
Bits and qubits bits and qubits
My kitty says to multiply it times a million
Classical computers run so slow so slow
But quantum ones will steal the show let's go
Oh my quantum kitty
Making physics pretty
Teaches me so cleverly
About reality
Quantum kitty, quantum kitty
Here and there and everywhere
Quantum kitty, quantum kitty
Now you see them, now you don't
Where's that cat
In superposition, living out their mission
Teaching me what soon could be
When quantum bits are free
Breaking codes! Breaking codes
Solving roads! Solving roads
Climate change! Climate change
Everything's gonna change
When quantum computing
Sets all the bits free
But my kitty warns me
Wait for it
Quantum kitty, quantum kitty
Here and there and everywhere
Quantum kitty, quantum kitty
Now you see them, now you don't
Where's that cat
In superposition, living out their mission
Teaching me what soon could be
When quantum bits are free
Here! Here
Not here! Not here
Everywhere! Everywhere
That's my quantum kitty
Quantum purr
Quantum kitty, quantum kitty
Here and there and everywhere
Quantum kitty, quantum kitty
Now you see them, now you don't
Where's that cat
In superposition, living out their mission
Teaching me what soon could be
When quantum bits are free
Are you here? Maybe
Are you there? Could be
Everywhere? Probably
That's my quantum kitty
Quantum purr, quantum purr, quantum purr