The will to make you notice when to leave it be
And leave some space to an action for then not to hear
"Sorry sweetie I've got some thoughts
I'm so happy you're so fine but dunno who you are now"
Without a gleam there won't be spaces for a position change
Your bloody valentine is bleeding in the dark there where you hit the switch out of range
It's been beautiful but now let's cut it here with style
To feel more ourselves by stop pretending and hurting hard
Against some will there is just no right
To square a circle is a mathematical matter and you know
It's geometries of distance and empty spaces that you just won't cover anymore
Dirty verities against some clumsy questionable attitudes in a play
You don't have the age to look suitable in such a classy role
But soon you will pass away
But then you will pass away
Nothing will remain
Not even a taste that you have
Never lost in this comedy play