Hey, I was just thinking about something, and I just wanted to call you
You remember how you said voices never really die
Even after we're gone, like the words we speak, the songs we sing, and the emotions we share kind of stay alive
And like the hearts of those who remember us
Every laugh, every cry, every secret, every shout of joy, like they all stay
They've just become a part of the people who heard them and who felt them
It's like we're leaving just a piece of our soul in every sound we make
So even when we leave the physical world, our voices, they keep echoing through time
They'll be a reminder of who we were, what we felt, and just, you know, how we cared
I was just thinking about that and wanted to talk to you about it
You know, no matter what happens, your voice will always be a part of me
I'll carry it with me, and it'll continue to inspire and comfort me
Alright, call me later