Hanging out down at a show
The energy is starting to flow
Amps are all cranked up with fuzz
Swigging downs some beers and starting to catch a good buzz
Then BAM, from behind
A shoulder and an elbow to make you feel alive
Jostle around, one and all
Moving pretty fast so you better not fall
Black eye, loose tooth, brain case, spilled booze
I win you lose, f*ck me f*ck you
Don't just stand there enough of that shit
Move your ass and bring on the pit
Room is filled with leather and beer
Ears are ringing, barely can hear
Blood is dripping out of your nose
Rolling down your face and straight onto your clothes
Then BAM, from behind
A shoulder and an elbow to make you feel alive
Jostle around, one and all
Moving pretty fast so you better not fall
Black eye, loose tooth, brain case, spilled booze
I win you lose, f*ck me f*ck you
Don't just stand there enough of that shit
Move your ass and bring on the pit