Here we are to get satisfied
I need some drinks to enjoy the night - I wanna!
Shoot my brain in the outer space
Get exalted like I don't even care!
Today the night in the streets is for...
Today the glasses will be refilled for me... I see you got it!
Today my pockets will be empty by... 'Cause I'm thirsty alot!
Today is the day, all night and day
I wanna drink, so let's go, let's play!
I'll be caught in a Paso Mosh
Where the people is drinking for free
I want to be here all time!
If you drink you need a lot of chicks
But you van't 'cause you don't have money - no problem!
Let's play some music around
Dripping pussies are coming from town!
Today the paradise is here for me...
Today some girls are dancing for us... I see you got it!
Tonight the fantasies are going to be real...'Cause we're drunk!
Today is the day, all night and day
I wanna drink, so let's go, let's play!
I'll be caught in a Paso Mosh
Where the people is drinking for free
I want to be here all time!
From beer, to beer, in beer, I swim all the night!
From chicks, to chicks, in chicks, I put my hopes, but I fail!
'Cause I'm, 'Cause I'm, 'Cause I'm, on street, laying down!
And I feel free in my vomit...
Paso Mosh!