I am a black rhinoceros, I weigh over a ton
Big as I am you might not guess how fast that I can run
I have two horns, sometimes three, that stick out of my head
Do not pick a fight with me or you may end up dead
I am a vegetarian, I graze on leaves and shoots
I snack on twigs like pretzels, I am fond of many fruits
Thorns and sticks don't bother me that's why I have thick skin
If tasty leaves are in a bush I push my way right in
I have four legs I stand on
Each with three little toes
How do they hold up all my weight?
The truth is no one knows
I am a black rhinoceros, be careful around me
I have a nasty temper, I'm as ornery as can be
I know I can look silly rolling in the mud, it's true
But don't be fooled, I'm dangerous and
I'm MUCH faster than you!