There's a garbage dump out my backdoor
Why me? Why us? Go figure!
My Mom adds to it everyday
And it just keeps getting bigger
Rotten tomatoes, cherry pits
Slimy over-ripe spinach
And the veggie soup from the back of the fridge
We meant to, but never quite finished
"If it came from a plant it goes in the pile!"
That's my Momma's motto
Like coffee grinds and watermelon rinds
And the skins of avocado
She says, "This stuff is valuable.
You can't just throw it away!
It makes the best black dirt in the world
Just give it some time to decay."
It doesn't stink, I don't know why.
The stuff going in sure does!
But covered with dirt the smell goes away
Not a whiff where the stink once was, once was
Not a whiff where the stink once was
From time to time I watch my Mom
Dig out dirt from the pile
And spread it around her favorite plants
She says it makes them smile
Everything grows big and green
The garden's quite the sight
The neighbors come to "oo" and "ah"
I guess she's doing something right
There's a garbage dump out my back door
I'm learning to live with it
It absorbs all the apple cores
And banana peels we give it
The truth is it amazes me
How all this stuff breaks down
And when it's done we have some
Of the best black dirt in town
It doesn't stink, I don't know why
The stuff going in sure does!
But covered with dirt the smell goes away,
Not a whiff where the stink once was, once was, was, was
Not a whiff where the stink once was