Cows and goats and horses and sheep
Out in the field you won't hear a peep
They've got heads to the ground using their teeth
To eat grass!
Water buffalo, wildebeest, too!
Antelope, elk, even kangaroo!
And ostriches and tortoises, who knew
They eat grass!
Out on the savanna
The impala and gazelle run free
They sure are fast, man oh man-a
Guess where they get their e-ner-gy?
Those camels, and zebra, llamas and mules
Have special teeth, perfect tools
For ripping up and chewing their favorite fuel
I mean grass!
There's all kinds of grass on a grazer menu
Bluegrass, needlegrass, foxtail, fescue
Herds roam all across the plains to savor it
Red oat grass is the zebra's fav-or-ite!
If you offer a horse macaroni and cheese
A piece of fried chicken or black-eyed peas
He'll say, "Neigh! Neigh! No thank you! Please!
I want grass!"
If you want to know the deal
Their favorite meal
Is a lush green field of...
Freshly grown chlorophyll
Nothing quite else can fill the bill
Like plain old run of the mill GRASS!