Take a look, look around, who am I, Who are you, where we at, we don't Know, we just here
By surprise I hope it works out, I Think you're pretty cool, I hope you Like me too, I swear I'm not a fool,
We got the wheels, we go for real, We go too far, we got the twins in Our ears, we got our hands in the Wind, until all time ends, until all Time ends
I'm still rhyming,
Perfect timing, I love your look, I Think I'm sick, I need us time to get It fixed
I need what's right, I bust his lip, I Get in fight while you take flight, See that's not a bad thing, see you
Get elevated, see I get hella hated, See us we hella graded
Take a look, look around, who am I, Who are you, where we at, we don't Know, we just here, by surprise I Hope it works out, I think you're Pretty cool
I hope you like me too, I swear I'm Not a fool, we got the wheels, we go For real, we go
Too far, we got the twins in our ears, We got our hands in the wind, until All time ends
Until all time ends, I'm still Rhyming, perfect timing, bitch