Late in the hour of a Bangkok bungalow
I met a lady boy who asked me if I wanna know
What he does outside of work and if I wanna go see his show
His lady boy show in Bangkok
So I revel in the feels my old heart loves the most
Where the lights are out and the tempter is your host
She said do you want one? I said 'no'
She said do you want one? I said... 'ok'
It was late in Bangkok
Here comes the night Bangkok
Bring on the night Bangkok
Let's party Bangkok
Yo let's party Bangkok
Daddy's not too hard to engage when he's
Jacked up on a speed fuelled rage
Lost in the middle of a Koh Tao festival
I ate a fried scorpion, made my brain explode
I was stumbling, I was tripping
Down to the sand where I lost my grip and fell
Into the ocean, started swimming back to Bangkok
Here comes the night Bangkok
Bring on the night Bangkok
Let's party Bangkok
Yo let's party Bangkok