Tatel Tatel the waitress is a tattle tale
Cruising from Doheny to Canon Drive no time to fail
No trolley to return no Dior perfume to adorn
Running late but I know the manager's name-Drake no scorn
Push kick skate I'm rushing it's fate
Meeting my celebrity crush at eight
Tatel Tatel where secrets never stay
In the whispers of the night don't give me away
Don't tell nobody where I like to date
In the shadows of the stars let me keep my fate
No time for cologne no scent to own
But I'm here at Tatel a place well-known
Drake's got the table I slide through the gate
Skating through life arriving just a little late
Push kick skate in the moon's soft light
But don't tell nobody where I spend my night
Tatel Tatel where secrets never stay
In the whispers of the night don't give me away
Don't tell nobody where I like to date
In the shadows of the stars let me keep my fate
In this city of dreams where the lights never fade
Where love's just a game and the rules are unmade
I'll keep it quiet I'll keep it discreet
But here at Tatel my heart skips a beat
Tatel Tatel where secrets never stay
In the whispers of the night don't give me away
Don't tell nobody where I like to date
In the shadows of the stars let me keep my fate