Expectations limit our vision of the potential we hold
Subjugation rivets the institution of elite control
Is it the connection or the molecules in Metatron's Cube
That drives an artist to the point of evolution through tunes
The divine lives in all of us, that's a continuous truth
We create new experiences, weave fate a new loom
When we blame, it's to cope and then we move in reverse
Win the game, get too close and then illusions will burn
As the elusive defers, we choose to neglect the hurt
When abuse lurks, we bloom first from the dirt
We can't lose, though always due for the worst
The pain has its perks, change or repeat
Know which one comes first
Flames will burst, conundrum rebirth
Repurpose the search, no funding besmirched
My self worth and image
Desert the limits through perfectionist works